Personalised Dog Toys

Shop our range of ChewTastic Personalised Dog Toys. Your dog can now take a bite out of you, a friend or arch enemy. Upload your very own photo to create a unique custom dog toy, your dog & any dog lovers will adore!

Customised Custom Face Pillow Dog Toys From Snugzy

The Snugzy team love dogs as much as we love creating hilarious Custom Face Pillow Dolls. so we weren't going to leave our four-legged friends out were we? If you are looking for a totally unique dog toy that can withstand the sharpest of teeth and raise a few smiles at the same time, then you have come to the right place.
You can upload a photo of yourself, a member of your family or maybe even your dog's worst enemy. Whatever you choose, their latest unique dog toy is sure to get their tail wagging. Suitable for all sizes of dog, don't leave your dog out when it comes to personalised gifts - they deserve it too!
To order your Snugzy customised dog toy, just choose your favourite dog toy character, upload a photo and your dog will be jumping for joy in no time at all.
At Snugzy, we believe in personalised gifts for all - dogs included!